To 2016-2017 CSC scholarship students:
According to the documentary requirements of China Scholarship Council,we are going to organize Chinese government Scholarship students to be annually reviewed. Please download the form for annual review of Chinese Government Scholarship status from the website of international students office(/). After completing the form (get the comments and stamp from your department and supervisor), please hand in the annual review form and your transcript of the last academic year to the international students office (room 705, Zonghe building) before April 15th 2016. Students of the international school do not need to hand in the materials to international students office, please participate in the annual review organized by your own department.
Annual review is a comprehensive evaluation on the Chinese Government Scholarship students in our university who are hoping to enjoy the next year’s scholarship. The content to be reviewed includes academic results, learning attitude, attendance, behaviors, rewards and punishment cases. Those students who cannot pass the review or do not participate in the annual review without any special reasons will not be eligible to continue the next year's scholarship.
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